Orb Programming Language


You can declare nameless (or anonymous) functions in any scope by using lam macros from base.orb.

Lambdas are still functions and can be passed as arguments to other functions.

import "base.orb";
import "std/io.orb";

fnc callOnEach (func:(fnc (i32) ()) a:(i32 3)) () {
    range i 3 {
        func ([] a i);

fnc main () () {
    callOnEach (lam (x:i32) () { std.println x; }) (arr i32 3 2 1);

    callOnEach (lam (x:i32) () { std.println (cast c8 x); }) (arr i32 65 66 67);

You may omit one lam argument to create a function that takes no arguments. For example, (lam i32 { ret 0; }) takes no arguments and always returns zero.

Omitting another argument results in a function of type (fnc () ()), eg. (lam { std.println; }).