Orb Programming Language


Literals are values of primitive types declared through Orb syntax. One group of literals are signed integer literals.

import "std/io.orb";

fnc main () () {
    std.println 1;
    std.println +5;
    std.println -201;
    std.println 0;

    # binary form
    std.println 0b0110;

    # octal form
    std.println 0755;

    # hexadecimal form
    std.println 0x7fff;

    # underscores can be used in literals
    std.println 10_000_000;

Then, there are floating-point literals.

import "std/io.orb";

fnc main () () {
    std.println 123.45;
    std.println 1.;
    std.println -0.5;

    # scientific notation
    std.println 0.1e2;
    std.println 1.0E-4;

You can specify the type of your literals. (Orb’s type system will be explained in more detail later.)

import "std/io.orb";

fnc main () () {
    # 8-bit unsigned integer
    std.println 1:u8;

    # 64-bit signed integer
    std.println -100:i64;

    # 64-bit floating-point value
    std.println 10.0:f64;

Character literals are placed between single quotes, for example: 'A', '5', '.', and ' '. Some characters require special escape sequences: '\n' (newline), '\t' (tab), '\\' (backslash), '\'' (single quote), '\"' (double quote), and '\0' (null character).

String literals are placed between double quotes, eg. "Hello!" and "" (empty string). Strings use the same escape sequences as character literals.

String literals can spread multiple lines.

    std.println "
            this is a

true and false are boolean literals.

null is the null pointer literal.

There is one other type of literals - identifiers. These can contain alphanumerics and any of these characters: =+-*/%<>&|^!~[]._?. Therefore, all of the following are valid identifiers: x, _foo, myId, val01, snake_case, kebab-case, *shiny*, ?=, <<<, -||-.