Orb Programming Language

Primitive types

Primitive types are types that are built into the language itself. One group of these are signed integers: i8, i16, i32, and i64. The number in their name denotes how many bits are used in their storage, which affects the range of values they can contain.

Another related group are unsigned integers: u8, u16, u32, and u64. Similarly to signed integers, the number in their name denotes their bit size.

bool is the logical boolean type. It can only have two values, true or false.

Floating-point types are f32 and f64. The number in their name also denotes their bit size.

c8 is the character type, eg. 'A' and '\n'. Its size is a single byte.

ptr is the nondescript pointer. It is equivalent to void* from the C programming language. null literal is of type ptr.

There are three more primitive types: id, type, and raw. Explaining these would require familiarity with Orb concepts we haven’t touched on yet, so we will return to them later in Advanced concepts: Id, type, and raw.