Orb Programming Language


Used to get the length of a type or a value.

lenOf oper -> unsigned

Fetches the length of oper.

oper must be a typed value.

If oper is a type, it must be an array, tuple, or data type. In that case, returns the number of elements in that type.

If oper is a raw, returns its number of elements.

If oper is an evaluated value of type (c8 cn []) or (c8 cn [] cn), returns the length of its string value. This includes the null character at the end. The value must not be null.

Otherwise, if oper is not a type, returns one of the above applied to its type.

fnc main () () {
    lenOf (i32 f32 bool); # 3

    sym x:(i32 10);
    lenOf x; # 10

    lenOf "ola!"; # 5