Orb Programming Language


This section documents definitions found in std/common.orb.


Alias for the type used by the standard library as the container size type.

std.malloc elemTy<type> len<unsigned> -> (elemTy [])

Allocates enough memory to store len values of elemTy. On success, returns an array pointer pointing to the allocated memory. On failure, null is returned.

std.calloc elemTy<type> len<unsigned> -> (elemTy [])

Has the same behaviour as std.malloc with the added initialization of the allocated bytes to zero.

std.realloc p elemTy<type> len<unsigned> -> (elemTy [])

Reallocates the previously allocated unfreed memory p points to. This may be done by either expanding or contracting the memory area p points to; or by allocating a new area of memory, copying the contents of the previous memory area (or its subset, if reallocating to a smaller size), and then freeing the previously used memory.

If allocation fails, returns null.

If p is null, simply allocates new memory.

std.getArrPtrDist elemTy<type> arrPtrHi arrPtrLo -> std.Size

Returns the number of elemTy values which could be placed in memory between the locations pointed to by arrPtrLo and arrPtrHi.

std.getArrPtrToInd elemTy<type> arrPtr ind<integer> -> (elemTy [])

Returns an array pointer to elemTy to the element with index ind of arrPtr. If the index is invalid, behaviour may be undefined.

std.setElemsToZero elemTy<type> arrPtr len<unsigned> -> (elemTy [])

Resets the first len values of elemTy at the location to which arrPtr points to their zero state.

Returns arrPtr cast to (elemTy []).

std.defineDrop stdTy<type>

Defines the drop function of a std.One or std.List type.

This is used when such a type had its drop function declared, but not defined.