Orb Programming Language


This section documents definitions found in std/io.orb.

std.print val...

Prints each of provided values to the standard output.

Each value must be a numeric, a char, or a string.

If a null string is provided, the result is undefined behaviour.

    std.print x ' ' y;

std.println val...

Does the same as std.print and then outputs an additional newline character.

    std.println "Value of x is " x;

std.scanI8 -> i8

std.scanI16 -> i16

std.scanI32 -> i32

std.scanI64 -> i64

std.scanU8 -> u8

std.scanU16 -> u16

std.scanU32 -> u32

std.scanU64 -> u64

std.scanF32 -> f32

std.scanF64 -> f64

Reads a value of the corresponding type from the standard input and returns it.

    sym (x (std.scanI32));