Orb Programming Language


This section documents definitions found in std/List.orb.

std.List is a class of resizable array types, which store their elements on the heap and will automatically deallocate all used memory.

These types must only be used by compiled values.

Length refers to the number of elements currently held by a list. If the list is not allocated, its length is zero.

Capacity refers to the capacity of a list, ie. how many elements can its current memory allocation hold. If the list is not allocated, its capacity is zero. Capacity is always greater than or equal to the length.

std.List elemTy<type> -> type

std.List elemTy<type> defineDrop<bool> -> type

Defines a std.List type pointing to an array of elemTy, if one wasn’t previously defined.

Returns that type.

If defineDrop is provided and is false, will only declare the drop function of this std.List type. This is used when elemTy has a nested std.List element that somehow points to other elemTy values, creating a circular dependency in drop definitions.

You must afterwards define the drop function using std.defineDrop.

data Tree {
    next:(std.List Tree false)

# define the drop function for this std.List
std.defineDrop (std.List Tree);

std.makeList elemTy<type> len<unsigned> -> std.List

Defines a std.List type pointing to an array of elemTy, if one wasn’t previously defined.

Returns a std.List pointing to a zero-initialized array of len amount of elemTy stored on the heap.

std.makeListWith elemTy<type> elem... -> std.List

Defines a std.List type pointing to an array of elemTy, if one wasn’t previously defined.

Constructs and returns a std.List pointing to an array stored on the heap, containing given elements. The initial length of the array is equal to the number of elements provided.

Each element is implicitly cast into elemTy.

std.getLen list<std.List> -> std.Size

Returns the current length of list.

std.getCap list<std.List> -> std.Size

Returns the current capacity of list.

std.isEmpty list<std.List> -> bool

Returns true if the array list points to is empty, or if list is not allocated.

std.getElemTy list<std.List> -> type

Gets the type of elements of the array pointed to by list.

std.[] list<std.List> ind<integer>

Returns the element at index ind in the array list points to. If list is not allocated, or ind is out of bounds, the result is undefined behaviour.

std.getFront list<std.List>

Returns the first element in the array list points to. If list is not allocated, or the array is empty, the result is undefined behaviour.

std.getBack list<std.List>

Returns the last element in the array list points to. If list is not allocated, or the array is empty, the result is undefined behaviour.

std.getArrPtr list<std.List>

Gets the underlying array pointer list uses to point to its array as a non-ref value. If list is not allocated, the returned array pointer will be null.

std.push list<std.List> elem...

Appends elements to list. Each element is implicitly cast into the element type of of list.

std.pop list<std.List>

Removes the last element from list. If list is not allocated or has no elements, the result is undefined behaviour.

Does not return the popped element.

std.resize list<std.List> len<std.Size>

Resizes list to contain exactly len elements.

If len is greater than the current length, appended elements will be zero-initialized.

If len is less than the current length, surplus elements will be dropped in reverse order of how they are stored.

std.reserve list<std.List> len<std.Size>

Increases the capacity of list to be able to contain len elements. If len is less than or equal to the current capacity, has no effect.

Does not change the length of list.

std.clear list<std.List>

Removes all elements from list.

std.range it<id> list<std.List> body<block>

Iterates through the elements of list, executing body for each. The current iteration element can be fetched by surrounding it in parenthesis, as (it).

If list is empty, performs no iterations.

Causing list to be resized, reassigned, or reallocated in body results in undefined behaviour.

std.rangeRev it<id> list<std.List> body<block>

Same as std.range, but iterates through the elements in reverse order.

import "base.orb";
import "std/io.orb";
import "std/List.orb";

fnc printElems (list:(std.List i32)::noDrop) () {
    std.print "list elements:";
    # iterate on all elements of list
    std.range it list {
        std.print ' ' (it);

fnc main () () {
    # std.List zero-initialized as non-allocated
    sym list:(std.List i32);

    if (== (std.getElemTy list) i32) {
        std.println "list has an array pointer to i32.";

    if (std.isEmpty list) {
        std.println "list is empty.";

    # reassigns list to point to an array of 10 zero-initialized values
    = list (std.makeList i32 10);

    std.println "list length: " (std.getLen list);
    std.println "list capacity: " (std.getCap list);
    printElems list;

    # reassigns list to point to an array of given values
    = list (std.makeListWith i32 1 2 3 4);

    std.println "list length: " (std.getLen list);
    std.println "Front element of list is " (std.getFront list) ".";
    std.println "Element 1 of list is " (std.[] list 1) ".";
    std.println "Element 2 of list is " (std.[] list 2) ".";
    std.println "Back element of list is " (std.getBack list) ".";

    # reserves capacity for at least 7 elements
    std.reserve list 7;

    std.println "list length: " (std.getLen list);
    std.println "list capacity: " (std.getCap list);

    # appends new values to the list
    std.push list 5 6 7;

    printElems list;

    # removes the back element from the list
    std.pop list;

    printElems list;

    # resizes the list up
    std.resize list 10;

    printElems list;

    # resizes the list down
    std.resize list 2;

    printElems list;

    # removes all elements from the list
    std.clear list;

    std.println "list length: " (std.getLen list);


list has an array pointer to i32.
list is empty.
list length: 10
list capacity: 10
list elements: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
list length: 4
Front element of list is 1.
Element 1 of list is 2.
Element 2 of list is 3.
Back element of list is 4.
list length: 4
list capacity: 7
list elements: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
list elements: 1 2 3 4 5 6
list elements: 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 0
list elements: 1 2
list length: 0