Orb Programming Language


This section documents definitions found in std/One.orb.

std.One is a class of smart pointer types, which automatically manage memory for an object stored on the heap, without the need to manually deallocate it.

These types must only be used by compiled values.

std.One valTy<type> -> type

std.One valTy<type> defineDrop<bool> -> type

Defines a std.One type pointing to valTy, if one wasn’t previously defined.

Returns that type.

If defineDrop is provided and is false, will only declare the drop function of this std.One type. This is used when valTy has a nested std.One element that somehow points to another valTy, creating a circular dependency in drop definitions.

You must afterwards define the drop function using std.defineDrop.

data Chain {
    next:(std.One Chain false)

# define the drop function for this std.One
std.defineDrop (std.One Chain);

std.makeOne valTy<type> -> std.One

Defines a std.One type pointing to valTy, if one wasn’t previously defined.

Returns a std.One pointing to a zero-initialized valTy stored on the heap.

std.makeOneWith val -> std.One

Defines a std.One type pointing to the type of val, if one wasn’t previously defined.

Returns a std.One pointing to a copy of val stored on the heap.

std.isNull one<std.One> -> bool

Returns whether one does not currently point to a value on the heap.

std.getValTy one<std.One> -> type

Gets the type pointed to by one.

std.* one<std.One>

Returns the value one points to as a ref value.

std.-> one<std.One> ind

Indexes the value one points to with index ind and returns that element as a ref value.

std.getPtr one<std.One> -> pointer

Returns the underlying pointer one uses to point to its value as a non-ref value.

If one does not point to a value, the returned pointer will be null.

import "base.orb";
import "std/io.orb";
import "std/One.orb";

data Controller {
} (lam (this:Controller::noDrop) () {
    if (!= ([] this res) null) {
        std.println "Releasing resource: " ([] this res);

fnc changeResource (ctrl:(Controller *) res:String) () {
    = (-> ctrl res) res;

fnc main () () {
    # std.One zero-initialized as non-allocated
    sym ctrl:(std.One Controller);

    if (== (std.getValTy ctrl) Controller) {
        std.println "ctrl has a pointer to Controller.";

    if (std.isNull ctrl) {
        std.println "ctrl is null.";

    # reassigns ctrl to point to a zero-initialized value
    = ctrl (std.makeOne Controller);

    if (! (std.isNull ctrl)) {
        std.println "ctrl is not null.";

    # reassigns ctrl to point to the given value
    = ctrl (std.makeOneWith (make Controller (res "resource0")));

    # reassigns the value pointed to by std.One
    = (std.* ctrl) (make Controller (res "resource1"));

    std.println "ctrl owns: " (std.-> ctrl res);

    # pass the underlying pointer to a function
    # since ctrl and the value weren't reassigned, no dropping happens
    changeResource (std.getPtr ctrl) "resource2";

    # drops the value std.One points to


ctrl has a pointer to Controller.
ctrl is null.
ctrl is not null.
Releasing resource: resource0
ctrl owns: resource1
Releasing resource: resource2